Code School Book

Code School Book

The first book for coding bootcamp students transitioning into tech. Overcome imposter syndrome. Kick-start your tech career.

We'll help you consider all your options and make the best choice that fits your lifestyle, goals and helps you crush code school!

Finding your first job out of school can be difficult. We'll give you the resources to help you ace the interview process and land the job.

Landing a job isn't the end. We'll cover strategies to help you thrive in the workplace and move up quickly.

What’s It About?

It’s called “Code School: Overcome Imposter Syndrome. Kick-start Your Career.”

The book is our guide for those who want to enter the tech industry but don’t have a computer science degree. More and more, the untraditional path is becoming the norm. Whether changing careers or kick-starting a new chapter in life, the experience of breaking into tech can be frustrating and unclear.

As nontraditional software engineers, we are combining our experiences, observations, and stories from others who have survived. For those who break in, computer programming can be a fun and fulfilling career. We want more people to experience it.

From coding bootcamp to enduring career, we cover the full spectrum. It’s loaded with actionable steps, words of warning, and battle tested insights. The chapters are arranged into six sections for their respective part of the career journey.

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Code School Book Overview

The book is broken up into six sections, with each dealing with a different part of the transition into tech.


The Engineering Mindset

The first section of the book is about the mindset of successful software engineers. Before you begin the path into learning to code, everyone should understand what they’re signing up for.


Navigating the Code School Experience

This section helps readers get the most from Code School. Whether preparing to enter a bootcamp, actively enrolled, or a recent graduates, we created a digestible guide to help you along the way.


Job Hunting

The third section is all about job hunting. Getting a job in technology is the primary goal for most code school students. We provide actionable guidance to find opportunities, navigate the interview process, and land your dream job.


Life of a Developer

The fourth section of the book covers life on the job. A majority of an engineer’s career is spent working. We cover a day in the life of support engineers and junior developers.


The Rough Edges of the Tech Industry

The book’s fifth section uncovers the distasteful parts of tech. No career choice is without drawbacks and frustrations. Instead of learning the hard way or being surprised, we’ll disclose the most destructive elements of the tech industry ahead of time.


Go Boldly Forward

The sixth and final section of the book concludes with prompts and encouragement for the future. Future potential is what separates a job from a career, so we can paint a clear picture for what’s next.